Wednesday, June 17, 2009

#41 - The Old Town of Kaunas

I used to have a penpal fro Lithuania when I was 15 years old so I'm very familiar with this country, including the city of Kaunas. It is the second largest city in Lithuania, and as you can see here, it has many old and historic buildings.

That's because the city was founded around 1030 AD, making it just under 1000 years old.

How does a city celebrate it's 1000 year anniversary anyway? I mean, if your city is turning 1000? That party better be amazing. I mean, forget fireworks and cake. That party has to be the best thing the city has a 1000 years.

There needs to be like 90 Amazonian parrots singing the Lithuanian anthem, and 100 elephants doing the macarena to make that party memorable.

Am I right? or Am I right? Cake and fireworks just won't do! Thanks to Mojne!

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